Lecturers and Courses

Courses may be in English or in Portuguese depending on the Lecturer.


Dr. Renato Cordeiro de Amorim
Lecturer in Computer Science and AI – University of Essex

Course: Clustering in the era of big data.
Asbtract: This course aims to provide an introduction to cluster analysis. We will explain and implement different algorithms, discussing the suitability of each to different problems. We will also demonstrate clustering strategies that can be used when the size of a data set is too large to fit in a computer’s RAM.
Requirements: students must be able to program in the MATLAB environment.

Image result for Dr. Dimitri Ognibene

Dr. Dimitri Ognibene
Lecturer in Computer Science and AI – University of Essex

Course: Explore Reinforcement Learning applications in Fraud management and usage in AWS

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) studies the problem of learning to perform efficient behaviours, or more formally finding policies that allow to maximise cumulative reward over a sequence of actions. This paradigm is more flexible compared to the supervised one as labels for each state are not requested and can thus be applied to wider set of problems. The introduction of the principles will be followed by a review of some of the main algorithms and recent Deep Reinforcement Learning architectures with the possibility to experiment with their implementations on the AWS platform will be presented. Finally some case studies from Fraud management applications will be presented.


Fernanda Gomes

M.Sc. Fernanda Oliveira Gomes
PhD Student & Researcher at LabSEC- UFSC

Course:  Privacy Enabling Techniques for Mobility Data

Abstract: This course aims to introduce the main concepts related to data protection. We will explain the privacy concepts, the relation between anonymization, pseudonymization, and unlinkability, data protection laws, the main algorithms and discuss the open issues. The second part of the class we will bring the anonymization of trajectories problem by showing how this kind of data is collected, use, how it can be a threat to the privacy of the people and present some anonymization techniques. Finally, we will introduce SDCMicro a free, R-based open-source package for the generation of protected microdata for researchers and public use.

Jean Everson Martina

Dr. Jean Everson Martina
Senior Lecturer & Researcher at LabSEC- UFSC

Course: Using Crypto-Currency Technologies to Track Big Datasets

Abstract: This course we will present  crypto-currency technologies and its distributed smart-contract execution environment as well as how to store data in the IPFS (Interplanetary File System). The aim of the course it to present the student with techniques for processing data in the blockchain as well as to guarantee security properties off-chain. The course will include a brief hands-on on smart contract and the infrastructure for creating smart-contracts for integrity checking.